36 Shapes:
- 1 common AI file, RGB (vector format)
- 1 common EPS file, RGB (vector format)
- 1 common SVG file, RGB (vector format)
- 1 common ABR file, (brushes library for Adobe Photoshop)
- 1 common PDF file, RGB (vector format)
- 36 separate EPS[10] files, RGB (vector format)
- 36 separate PNG files, 5000x5000px, 300dpi (transparent)
- 36 separate JPG files, 5000x5000px, 300dpi
- 36 separate SVG files, RGB, (vector format), best for CANVA!
- JPEG and PNG raster images can be opened with any photo editing software.
- AI vector files are compatible with Adobe Illustrator CS6 or later.
- SVG files are compatible with any vector editing software, including Canva, Figma, Inkscape, and more.
- EPS files are compatible with most vector editing software, such as Affinity Designer, Corel Draw, Vectornator, and more.
- ABR stamp brush libraries can be imported into Adobe Photoshop and Procreate with a single click.
- PDF files can be opened with any vector editing software you have available.